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WINNER Personal Injury Law Firm of the Year

Australia's Largest Specialist Personal Injury Firm^

WINNER Personal Injury Law Firm of the Year

Workers Compensation

Stories and Insights

Showing 1-24 of 89

NSW Police are eliminating TPD lump sum entitlements – what you need to know.

Law Partners has a long history serving the interests of NSW police officers and emergency service workers. We’ve helped many police officers with their claims for workers compensation payments as well as for total and [...]
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WorkCover Payout Examples – Case Studies.

If you’ve been injured at work, looking at WorkCover payout examples can be a good way to understand the claim process and what you might be entitled to. The five examples in this article provide [...]
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Sad woman receiving a hug from friend

Stress Leave NSW – Your Guide.

When you’re stressed, it can be tough to continue doing your job, and it can greatly impact your overall health and well-being. And the situation can be even worse if your workplace is the cause [...]
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Man at work a victim of workplace bullying.

Workplace Bullying Compensation Payouts Guide.

Workplace bullying is a serious problem in Australia and a risk factor for anxiety, depression, and suicide.* If it leads to psychological injury or illness, workplace bullying compensation payouts can be substantial, especially if management [...]
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Man looking at documents and using a calculator

Workers Compensation Payout Guide Victoria.

If you’re making a workers compensation (WorkCover) claim in Victoria, there’s some key information you should be aware of to make sure you receive your full entitlements. You may be aware that you can claim [...]
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Injured worker calculating whole person impairment lump sum

Whole Person Impairment Compensation Calculator and Guide.

If you’re injured at work in NSW, depending on your whole person impairment rating (also known as permanent impairment rating), you might be entitled to a lump sum benefit up to a maximum of $740,550*. [...]
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Construction worker on a building site before suffering an injury and receiving a workers compensation payout.

Workers Compensation Payout Guide NSW.

If you’ve been injured at work in NSW, you probably know you’re entitled to workers compensation to cover your lost wages and medical expenses. But you may not know that in NSW around $1.14 billion [...]
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Man being assessed to see if he's eligible for shoulder injury compensation.

Shoulder Injury Compensation Payouts Australia – NSW.

If you’ve ever suffered a shoulder injury, you know how debilitating it can be. Even simple activities like getting dressed can become a challenge. But depending on what caused your shoulder injury and how it [...]
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Woman suffering from a psychological injury sustained in the workplace.

Successful Psychological Injury Claims – Your Guide.

If you’ve developed a psychological injury caused by bullying, stress, traumatic events, or an accident in the workplace, it can be completely debilitating and make it very difficult to continue working. However, if your condition [...]
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Assaulted healthcare worker awarded 890k in psychiatric claim.

Stephanie was a dedicated healthcare worker. She had hoped to receive support from her employer after she was left with a psychiatric injury suffered in the workplace. But unfortunately, her workers compensation claim was rejected outright by her employer’s insurer. So that’s when [...]
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Roofer gets $835,000 in a workers compensation injury claim.

When Chris contacted Law Partners for help with his workplace injury claim, he had no idea whether he even had a case worth pursuing. But we got to know Chris, taking time to explain the process and fully understand the extent [...]
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Disability support worker receives $700k for psychological injuries.

For Stephen, a duty of care and passion for supporting disabled children in the community had been second nature for years. So after experiencing a debilitating set of psychological injuries, the idea of receiving support back in kind was completely foreign to him. But with help from Law Partners, Stephen came to [...]
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Two Workers on Work-Site After Being Injured in a Work Accident

Section 78 Notice – What to do if your Workers Compensation Claim is Denied.

One of the most common reasons clients come to us is because they’ve had workers compensation payments or medical treatment denied. We have a very high success rate in getting these denials overturned, and we [...]
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Woman with injured neck seeking legal advice from a workers compensation lawyer.

Do I Need a Lawyer for Workers Compensation?

Thousands of injured people come to us for help with their workers compensation claims every year. But many of them have already made claims without using a lawyer. They come to us when they’ve had [...]
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Man Who Has Suffered An Injury Working From Home

Working From Home Injury Workers Compensation.

When you think of workers compensation you might assume it only applies to injuries that occur in the workplace. However, since the global pandemic, many people haven’t returned to the office and now work from [...]
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Man with injured wrist getting legal advice on workers compensation.

Workers Compensation Legal Advice – Our Top Five Tips.

Getting the right workers compensation legal advice can make a significant difference to the amount of compensation you receive. We get literally thousands of injured workers calling us for advice every year, and many are [...]
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Man who suffered workplace injury that caused stroke awarded $650k

Stroke sufferer awarded $650,000 after being turned away from other law firms.

Having been turned away by law firms who said he didn’t have a claim, Mark decided to call Law Partners. This turned out to be the call that changed his life.  After waking up feeling [...]
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Woman receiving workers compensation for ankle and foot injury

Terminating an Injured Employee on Workers Compensation in NSW – is it Legal?

There are strict rules around terminating an injured employee in NSW. Employers must meet all their obligations to injured workers first, and there’s a ‘protected period’ when it’s not legal to terminate an injured employee. [...]
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The questions you need to ask a workers compensation lawyer

The Questions You Need to Ask a Workers Compensation Lawyer.

If you’re choosing a workers compensation lawyer, it can be hard to know what questions to ask, especially if you’ve never used a lawyer before. But with the right preparation, you can be much more [...]
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