A more personal approach to your NSW landlord negligence claim.
A rental property landlord has a duty of care to tenants and visitors, to ensure their safety. If you’ve been injured because of a breach of that duty, then it’s likely you can claim compensation.
We’ve helped many people get compensation for rental property accident injuries, but we understand your situation is unique, and you’re different from every one of them. Getting you more compensation starts with building a personal relationship with you, to truly understand your situation.
There’s no cost to speak to a NSW-based landlord negligence lawyer, tell your side of the story, and find out how much you can claim.
Call 13 15 15 or chat to us now for free advice
Chat nowFind out how much you can claim.
Get startedWhat accidents can I claim for?
Here are some examples of landlord negligence that can result in compensation claims:
No matter how you’ve been injured on a rental property, you can call Law Partners and get free legal advice whether you can claim compensation.
Getting started.
How much can I claim for landlord negligence in NSW?
Compensation payouts range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Depending on the severity of your injuries, the total compensation amount can include:
Lost income | The amount of income you’ve lost through time off work. |
Medical expenses | Resulting from your injuries. |
Travel expenses | To and from medical appointments and treatment. |
Domestic assistance | The cost of getting help with home duties. |
Pain and suffering | An amount to compensate you for your pain and suffering, based on the extent of your injuries. |
Future losses |
For example, your future earnings that you will miss out on as a result of your injuries. If you can’t work, you may also be entitled to a lump sum TPD payment through your superfund. |
Permanent impairment | An amount to cover your loss of functionality or limitation of movement of a part of your body. |
How we can help you.
Your NSW-based Law Partners landlord negligence lawyer will contact the public liability insurer on your behalf, and then:
Frequently asked questions.
For landlord negligence claims to be successful, we need to prove that:
- Your accident could have been avoided if the landlord had taken action to prevent it
- You’ve incurred losses as a result of your injuries
A landlord can be held liable if they knew or should have known about a potential hazard and did nothing about it. We have extensive experience with landlord negligence claims, and we win over 99% of our cases. We can advise you over the phone on whether your claim is likely to succeed.
No win no fee lawyers offer to run your case for you and only get paid when you win. If you choose the right lawyer, it’s an excellent option that allows you to pursue your claim without any risk, but it’s important to check the lawyer’s costs agreement to fully understand what’s covered. With some no win no fee lawyers you can still end up having to pay thousands of dollars in expenses if they lose your case. This is because their no win no fee agreements cover their professional fees but not their costs, such as medical reports. At Law Partners, our no win no fee, no disbursements guarantee covers all our costs and disbursements as well as our professional fees, so you can pursue your claim with peace of mind.
When you make a landlord negligence claim, you’re claiming the landlord is liable for your injuries. If the landlord admits liability, then their public liability insurer is likely to offer you a sum of money as compensation – this is known as a settlement. If you can’t come to agreement on the settlement amount, or if the landlord denies liability, then you have the option of taking them to court and letting a judge decide on the outcome – this is known as litigation.
Most of our claims are settled out of court. Your Law Partners lawyer will keep you informed about your claim regularly and advise you on your options.
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You’re in safe hands with Law Partners.
Your landlord negligence lawyer is backed by a team of specialists including paralegals, medico-legal experts, forensic accountants and barristers. Your team will work hard for you, check in with you regularly and always keep you up to date with your case. You’re in safe hands with Australia’s largest specialist personal injury firm.
Why should I choose Law Partners?
Caring for our clients drives everything we do – that’s why thousands of Australians every year choose Law Partners.
Do I have a case?
Our senior lawyers will assess your case for free.
Find out more about public liability compensation.
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