Sarah Starnovsky
I always look to establish a strong rapport with the client from the opening meeting to ensure they feel comfortable expressing any concerns or questions going forward. It’s so important that my clients know from the outset that there’s no such thing as a silly question.
When I was younger, a very close friend of mine suffered a severe injury in a car accident. I witnessed his immense struggle adjusting to life after the injury and the difficulty in claiming all the compensation he was entitled to. He was the reason why I became a personal injury lawyer – to help struggling people like him, get the compensation they deserve.
There are so many things I love about working as a solicitor at Law Partners. All the staff are enthusiastic and approachable, the emphasis on client care is second to none but most importantly, the firm gives me an opportunity every day, to make things a little easier for someone who is struggling.
Career highlight:
Earning the opportunity to speak in the Supreme Court. This is the proudest moment of my career.
In my own time:
My passion outside of work is powerlifting.
Qualifications and accreditations:
- Admitted, Supreme Court of NSW
- Member, Golden Keys Honour Society
- Bachelor of Laws/Business and Commerce
Sarah Starnovsky was a pleasure to work with and I would recommend her to anyone, she was exceptionally professional while still maintaining a personal touch in all communications.
Thanks to Sarah Kabbout for her assistance as well.

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